
4Tronix Angle:Bit - Turn your BBC Micro:Bit by 90 Degrees (AngleBit for MicroBit)

Regular price $11.15

This great little adaptor lets you change the oritentation of your BBC micro:bit from horizontal to vertical, or vice versa.

As an added bonus, the edge connector is wired so that you can insert the micro:bit either way round so you can decide whether you want the LEDs facing forwards or backwards (or up or down).

The design is very compact so it can fit in most accessories. It is particularly useful for Bit:Bot as it allows the micro:bit to be accessed easily even when the ultrasonic sensor is fitted.

BBC micro:bit, Bit:bot and Bit:Commander not included.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Why would I need one of these

Well, I'm getting students to mimic animal adaptations in year 5/6. It is a really interesting science course. Anyway I use an angle:bit, a micro:bit and a DFRobot. Students code the robot to avoid predators, then sense cold using a second micro:bit in ice. Finally they drive in a circle until they are heading North. Whan they know they are heading north, They take off and migrate north for the Winter. This activity hits so many spots on the ACARA AUstralian Digital Technologies curriculum. It would be great if the up part of the 90 degree (the part that plugs in to the Maqueen) was about 1 cm longer. It would mean I don't have to buy LIPO batteries!

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