Ages 17+
These kits are recommended for ages 17 and over.
Some of these can be programmed using drag and drop interfaces such as:
Alternatively, some kits also require easier text-based programming languages such as JavaScript and Python, for those with more advanced skills. Some of the kits may offer or require more complicated C-based Arduino programming and set up of libraries for these.
Installing editors such as mu editor can be required to enable more functionality at this level. Development environments such as the Arduino IDE, may also be required to be installed in order to program kits at this level.
Learning to set up and navigate a Linux operating system on a small computer is required for the Raspberry Pi kits.
Some e-textiles/wearable kits may require basic sewing and fabric (scissors) skills.
Use of a screwdriver and other tools may be required to build kits at this level.
Some kits require reasonable soldering skills, for larger numbers of components, or surface mount components.