Electronic kits and parts - build, code, and learn!
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Create a project to indicate when plants need watering, by reading analog input!
This soil moisture monitor can use 3.3-5v and provides a signal pin, for connection to an analog pin on the BBC micro:bit, Arduino compatible boards, or any other Micro Python or Circuit Python boards (not included).
This sensor makes a great project for schools or code clubs, and can be coupled with a small pump for an fully-automated self-watering project.
Dimensions: 58 x 20mm
A basic moisture sensor that works well. Great for cheap entry-level school project. Good stability and linear output.
Autonomous Robotics Platform - Line Follower Board
Regular price $10.20
MonkMakes Amplified Speaker
Regular price $14.85
Kitronik Linear Actuator Kit
Regular price $15.95
Adafruit QT Py - SAMD21 Dev Board with STEMMA QT
Regular price $13.95