Resources — python

Install the latest CircuitPython and start coding on your devices

adafruit Circuit Playground Express CircuitPython firmware m4 MicroPython python

Install the latest CircuitPython and start coding on your devices

This is a quick overview of installing the latest version of CircuitPython and libraries to start coding on your devices. Links to the excellent Adafruit tutorials are included.

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Connecting I2C Devices to the BBC micro:bit

APDS-9960 BBC micro:bit DFRobot I2C micro:bit microbit MicroPython Python Sensors

Connecting I2C Devices to the BBC micro:bit

The BBC micro:bit supports the I²C bus protocol, for communicating with other devices, like sensors. In this post, I've used MicroPython to demonstrate, but the principles can easily be translated to lower and higher level languages.

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