(Suitable for ages 11 years and over)
This kit allows you to illuminate the edge of a picture frame using a number of LEDs. This happens for a period of time when the button is pressed. The duration is set using a trimmer potentiometer and can be anything from a few seconds to 30 minutes. The student can choose which LEDs they would like to use. These are connected to the terminal block (along with a current limit resistor). The board can drive 200mA, which is about 10 high brightness LEDs.
This kit includes:
- 1 x PP3 Clip lead
- 1 x Battery holder (3x AA)
- 1 x Terminal block (2 way)
- 1 x Push to make switch
- 1 x Capacitor, electrolytic, 16V, 220uF
- 1 x 10M Pot
- 2 x 10K resistor 5%
- 2 x N channel FET (2N7000)
- 1 x 0.5 metre length of single core wire
- 1 x Picture frame LED driver PCB
PCB dimensions: 58mm x 28mm.
This kit is supplied as a pack of parts and requires soldering.
Click here to download the essential information 
Click here to download the full teaching resources 
Selecting LEDs for using with the circuit.
The circuit can be used with a variety of LEDs. Below are a selection of LEDs that can be used. Also listed is the current limit resistor that will be required if four LEDS are used.