Resources — BBC micro:bit
Use Python to add Multiple Servos to Your Self-watering Plant
BBC micro:bit BBC microbit v2 micro:bit accessories microbit tutorials MicroPython mu editor radio tutorial
This project will let you add an servo motor controller to your self-watering micro:bit project. The servo can be used to raise a flag or some sort of sign to indicate the status of your plant, and can even be located a few metres away from your self-watering plant!
The project can be run as a group activity, with one person programming the first micro:bit and their lab partner programming the second micro:bit. Alternatively, one person could program both micro:bits by having separate code in tabs within mu or Thonny editors.
Revive old laptops and PCs - program electronics projects with Raspbian OS
Adafruit arduino BBC micro:bit BBC microbit coding makecode microbit MicroPython mu editor old laptop raspberry pi Raspbian scratch
Kitronik ZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit - MicroPython Examples
BBC micro:bit halo kitronik micropython neopixels pyrhon ZIP
Connecting I2C Devices to the BBC micro:bit
APDS-9960 BBC micro:bit DFRobot I2C micro:bit microbit MicroPython Python Sensors