
STOP:bit MicroPython Tutorial: Two Traffic Lights

microbit MicroPython state table traffic lights

STOP:bit MicroPython Tutorial: Two Traffic Lights

Program a pair of traffic lights to work in tandem using the Kitronik STOP:bit and micro:bits. 

 In this project, you will learn to:

  • Write a state table to represent the different changes between two traffic lights.

  • How to reuse our function to save time, and keep our code readable.

  • Send our light changes to another STOP:bit over radio, and write code to match our state table.

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STOP:bit MicroPython Tutorial - Single Traffic Light

microbit MicroPython traffic light

STOP:bit MicroPython Tutorial - Single Traffic Light

Use microbit Python to program a single traffic light

In this project, you will learn to:

  • Write a function to turn on individual Traffic Light LEDs

  • Call the function in your main loop

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Kitronik :MOVE Motor robot for the BBC micro:bit - MakeCode Block-based Tutorials

BBC microbit kitronik makecode micro:bit accessories MicroPython python robotics

Kitronik :MOVE Motor robot for the BBC micro:bit - MakeCode Block-based Tutorials

The Kitronik :MOVE Motor robot is a micro:bit powered robot, that is both manoeuvrable and stable. In addition to the well-written instruction booklet, here's some downloadable tutorials with Interactive MakeCode links to get you started..there's also a Python library!

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Automatic Lights Using the micro:bit's Built-in Sensor

led makecode microbit tutorials micropython

Automatic Lights Using the micro:bit's Built-in Sensor

Here's a quick and fun micro:bit lesson for schools or home. Make an automatic light using just an LED, some alligator clips, and your micro:bit! This easy tutorial includes PXT MakeCode and MicroPython versions.

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Program micro:bit traffic light sequences in Python with these STOP:bit tutorials

coding logic microbit microbit accessories micropython python radio state table steam stem traffic light traffic lights tutorials wireless

Program micro:bit traffic light sequences in Python with these STOP:bit tutorials

Check out these tutorials for the Kitronik STOP:bit and the BBC micro:bit! Learn to code a state table by starting with one traffic light and progressing to two traffic lights in an intersection.

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