
Pimoroni Pirate Radio: Add Some Streams - 3 Suggestions to Get You Started

Pimoroni Pirate Radio: Add Some Streams - 3 Suggestions to Get You Started

The Pimoroni Pirate Radio Kit is a fun way to listen to your favourite streams. Although a sample playlist is provided, here's some links to get you started looking for some kid-friendly/educational streams..

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Set up the Pimoroni pHAT DAC with OpenElec and Kodi, on the Raspberry Pi Zero W

Set up the Pimoroni pHAT DAC with OpenElec and Kodi, on the Raspberry Pi Zero W

OpenElec is a Linux media player distribution, that runs Kodi, and supports the pHAT DAC. To set this up..

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Kitronik ZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit - MicroPython Examples

BBC micro:bit halo kitronik micropython neopixels pyrhon ZIP

Kitronik ZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit - MicroPython Examples

Here's a couple of examples using the Kitronik ZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit - that leverage the circular RGB LED configuration. Essentially, the Kitronik ZIP LEDs are programmed in the same way as Adafruit NeoPixels, as documented in the BBC micro:bit MicroPython documentation found online at:

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Connecting I2C Devices to the BBC micro:bit

APDS-9960 BBC micro:bit DFRobot I2C micro:bit microbit MicroPython Python Sensors

Connecting I2C Devices to the BBC micro:bit

The BBC micro:bit supports the I²C bus protocol, for communicating with other devices, like sensors. In this post, I've used MicroPython to demonstrate, but the principles can easily be translated to lower and higher level languages.

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Adding the Kitronik Packages to the micro:bit PXT Editor

kitronik micro:bit PXT tutorials

Adding the Kitronik Packages to the micro:bit PXT Editor

The BBC micro:bit is a low-cost and accessible way to introduce kids with drag and drop coding experience to integrating with hardware, eg robots and sensors, and start to solve more practical problems. If you've never heard of the micro:bit, check out our quick and simple explanation of the BBC micro:bit. The BBC micro:bit PXT programming interface comes with a capable collection of blocks for coding with - these also allow access to send and receive data with accessories that can be attached to the micro:bit. This tutorial will show how to install extra blocks, in this case for the...

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